Friday, April 26, 2024
a group of friends taking a picture

How To Manage Your Social Life Effectively!

While our generation spends significant time, effort and money into micro-managing every single aspect of their life, from work to the grocery list, it...
An effective public speaker

5 Tips To Be An Effective Public Speaker

Great speakers live forever and so do their immortal words. When you speak well, you can motivate others. Aristotle believed that no person could...
Stay awake in class!

8 Sure-Fire Ways To Keep You Awake in Class

Couldn’t get enough sleep? Who ever does! But you can’t sleep away in your classes and that’s why we have come up with ways...
Social Anxiety

How I Conquered My Social Anxiety And You Can Too

“A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to...
Person jumping with happiness

4 Ways To Start Living to The Fullest Today

“Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.” ― Dale Carnegie Planned everything your life ought to be but haven’t started working...
Girl getting bored

Are you bored? It is for the best

I remember as a child I was not allowed to say that I am bored. My mother never understood what the word “bored” meant....
A man posing on a mountain top as the sun sets

5 Ways to Stand Out Amongst your Peers

“I am just another face in the crowd” or “I am just like everyone else”. This thought might have occurred to you at least...
Man and womanfully laughing and working in a farm

Work, Life And Everything In Between

If you are a student and are reading this, words like ‘work’, ‘life’ must seem heavy jargons that mostly writers or philosophers use to...