Wednesday, April 24, 2024

5 Ways To Be More Productive In Your Spare Time!

Have you ever wondered what it is that you generally do when you have a big block of free time? Do you while it...

How to Ensure That You Actually Stick by New Year Resolutions!

New year, New me” sounds cliché but I'm sure most of us put up our “ways to improve yourself” lists for the next year....
a group of friends taking a picture

How To Manage Your Social Life Effectively!

While our generation spends significant time, effort and money into micro-managing every single aspect of their life, from work to the grocery list, it...

Meditate With These 5 Easy Steps Today

The greatest thing is meditation. It is the nearest approach to spiritual life -- the mind meditating. It is the moment in our daily...

3 Definite Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Habits!

“Biting your nails is a bad habit.” "Instead, You should get into the habit of reading the newspaper.” ”Smoking is a bad habit.” "Why...
An effective public speaker

5 Tips To Be An Effective Public Speaker

Great speakers live forever and so do their immortal words. When you speak well, you can motivate others. Aristotle believed that no person could...
Social Anxiety

How I Conquered My Social Anxiety And You Can Too

“A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to...
How to stay positive, happiness at work

Here’s How To Stay Positive At A Job You Don’t Like!

Do you hate it when your alarm goes off on Monday mornings or on any other day of the working week for that matter?...

These Songs Are Bound To Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Music is a major part of life and an average person listens to music on a daily basis. Be it on your way to...

5 Reasons You Should Do Social Work!

One person can make a difference and everyone should try it-  John Kennedy We might try to ignore Chotu selling tea on the roadside tea...