Monday, December 23, 2024

Last Minute Revision? Turn To These 7 Apps

It’s that time of the year, EXAMINATIONS! It’s a night before your exam and you’re finding yourself stressing about last minute revision. What to...

GD Coming Up? 5 Things You Should Not Do

Group discussion aka GD is an effective way to test an individual on his/her overall personality. Group discussions are generally held while selecting a...

Remember More And Forget Less With These 10 Strategies

Human memory is quirky, complicated and unreliable. Who does not remember entering the examination hall, only to realize that your brain has emptied itself...

Yes, B. Ed. Has An Entrance Exam

In the recent times, there has been a sudden flood of courses that a student can opt for to become a teacher. The most...

Didn’t Get Into A College That Your Parents Wanted? What Now?

Oh my God! “What calamity has befallen us, how will we face the society? What will people think of you? Look at Mr. Sharma’s...

10 Summer Internship Programs You Don’t Want To Miss!

How would you feel if one day you find yourself working with a multinational company affecting and connecting with millions of people across the...

These Songs Are Bound To Turn Your Frown Upside Down

Music is a major part of life and an average person listens to music on a daily basis. Be it on your way to...

Going Through A Heartbreak? These Could Help More Than Your Best...

They say that once you grow up you should write about things that concern the realities of adulthood. Like: love and heartbreak. As magical...

3 Definite Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Habits!

“Biting your nails is a bad habit.” "Instead, You should get into the habit of reading the newspaper.” ”Smoking is a bad habit.” "Why...

A GD Coming Up? This How You Stand Out in it!

The Group Discussion or the GD round of a recruitment process is very crucial as it not only tests your knowledge on the given...