Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Pros and Cons of Journalism you would want to know!

Just like every profession in the world, there are pros and cons of Journalism too. One of the oldest profession in the world has...

5 Common Misconceptions About Journalism Debunked!

When you think journalism, a few images pop into your head. You are immediately struck with the picture of a suited man yelling away...

Am I The Right Fit For A Career In Journalism?

Just as a mouse shouldn’t try to be an elephant, one mustn’t pick a career that may not be the best for him/her. Here...

How to Become a Social Entrepreneur?

As Nelson Mandela rightly said, "Vision without action is just a dream, action without vision just passes the time, and vision with action can...

Want to Change your Stream? Here’s 5 Ways to Convince your...

As more and more students are embracing the idea of changing their stream if they are not content with what they are currently pursuing,...

Choose A Major So Your Future Self Can Thank You

Choosing a college is an important and a difficult decision of your life but choosing a major, is even harder. Which stream to choose?...

Convince Your Parents To Let You Take A Gap Year

As students, we've all come to a crossroad when it comes to making decisions about our future. Taking a gap year is one such...
social media, career

Top 5 Career Possibilities With Social Media

With the onset of the digital age, the use of social media has really hit the roof, especially among millennials. In fact, according to...

Career Possibilities In Literature? Don’t Worry, Words Have You Saved.

We often worry about the career possibilities of a person when a literature degree is added to his/her qualification. Especially when the qualification is...

Turn Your Passion Into A Profession In These Simple Ways

Passion is what drives us to get out of bed every morning. Unfortunately, several people go their entire lives without discovering their passion and...