A huge slice of our life is spent working in offices. After spending weekends at home, it’s natural for Monday blues to loom over us. But, you can give your workspace a creative spin and kindle the homely feel! We’ve listed down some ideas to help you turn your workspace into an artsy corner!
Being organised doesn’t have to be boring!
Although most of us are dependent on a digital medium for our work, there still can be times when you have to deal with paperwork. Keeping these organised can be a tedious task. But, if you have old cartons or shoe boxes at home, cover those in colourful wrapping paper and tada! You have your DIY storage made within no time! Now looking at paperwork will make you feel better if not happier.
Old pictures, old frames, designed with a new twist!
Photographs are the best way to add warmth to your workspace. Pictures of your family and friends will always give you a nice feeling! If you have an old frame and want to give it a twist, you can paint it. One of my favourite ways was sticking the shells I collected from the seaside on the frame. It feels nostalgic and brings back childhood memories for me. It’s definitely the best way to get motivated at work!
How about some quotes?
No matter what difficulties you face in life, quotes are the best life lessons in a nutshell! If you have a soft board in your cubicle, you can pin them or stick it around your workspace.You can use an old jar and put the quotes as scrolls. This will make it look colourful. Every time you feel low, these quotes will uplift you!
4. Pull out your favourite greeting and postcards!
Greeting cards and postcards are a reminder of the love we receive from our loved ones! Place them or punch the ends and tie them to a string, there’s so much you can do to add nice picturesque feel to the workspace.
5. No, we didn’t forget snacks!
For a foodie like me, a snack is a huge part of my motivation. Use your old pen stands, paint them and keep a stock of snack bars and chocolates you can binge on once in awhile! Or keep some nuts handy if you want to be more healthy.
6. Post its!
Colourful post-its and stickers is a unique way to remind you of your tasks and at the same time give a quirky feel to your cubicle. Post-its come in different shapes and sizes. What’s your pick?
7. Don’t you love flowers/indoor plants?
Adding flowers/indoor plants to your cubicle will not only make it look pretty as a picture but will also fill the room with a nice scent. Bring your favourite flowers/plants and add a tinge of freshness to your everyday routine!
We assure you that incorporating the above-mentioned stuff in your workspace will make it look lively and cool! PS: don’t be surprised if your co-workers are jealous of your artsy corner!