Ninja of the Week: Dr. Vishal Punjabi
We always have a formal/ friendly relationship with our doctors. We know their work ethics but we hardly know their stories. One such doctor is...
Ninja Of The Week: Amaresh Nath
In India, mental health is still a stigma. And Amaresh Nath is one of those enthusiastic people who wanted to change that. He started...
Ninja of The Week: Zeeshan Mohammed
In today’s society, there are many of us who are stuck studying a conventional course which we neither enjoy nor we have any interest...
10 Songs To Get You Motivated Instantly!
You love music? So do we! Sometimes we all get bogged down by all the work we have to do at the office or...
Ninja Of The Week: Sai Kaustuv Dasgupta
Life brings sorrows and joys alike. It is what a man does with them - not what they do to him - that...
Ninja Of The Week: Karan Sawhney
Karan Sawhney started playing football at the tender age of just seven! He started off with baby steps, playing at the inter-school level...
7 Dynamic Personalities Who Live Their Passion Through Profession
In the maddening cacophony of conventional careers, we often ignore our passion. For most of us, passion is all about expressing ourselves which helps...
Ninja Of The Week: Maalavika Manoj
Maalavika Manoj is an independent pop/country singer-songwriter who goes by the moniker, 'Mali'. She was born and raised in Chennai, but now lives...
Independence Day Special: 6 Powerful Quotes by India’s Freedom Fighters
Our forefathers have done much for our nation and we have a lot to thank them for! On the occasion of the 72nd Independence Day,...
Ninja Of The Week: Akshay Gupta
Akshay Gupta is from a business background, though he studied his Bsc from Hindu College, Delhi University. Business and excitement, involved in building...