Small towns are so convenient for living. The lifestyle is simple and things go smoothly. Probably the only problem you shall face is that the milkman came an hour late in the morning so your dad had to wait for his morning tea or that the cat entered the house and now the floor is dirty for the billionth time. But what happens when you have to shift to a new city?
It’s not the same in big cities. The problems are bigger than the bigger picture will ever show. You come across problems you had never thought of and you’re caught in situations you were never prepared for when you shift. City life is so fast and hectic that every problem needs to be addressed as quickly as possible because 10 other small obstacles are waiting to be looked at.
I’m not trying to scare you or change your mind regarding the shift but just trying to address a few common issues that might pop up. Shifting to a place all alone and having to face such humongous issues can get pretty daunting. They really can. Let’s look at what are some of the common challenges you might face when you shift to a new city
Away from your loved ones
Now now. This can be a major problem. You are not only stepping out of your hometown, you’re stepping out of your comfort zone too when you shift to a new city. No more nagging behaviour of your mother that actually works to your benefit when you forget to eat or forget your belongings or important documents. No longer home food that tastes like ambrosia in your mouth. No longer cute little banters with your siblings that later on escalate to comfortable hugs and cuddles. No more dad’s lectures regarding studies and marks. All of these were always taken for granted when you were back home. It’s quite hurtful but now you will see their faces only through video calls or will hear their voices only when you dial their phone number. And no matter how hard one tries, somewhere the longing to see them and be with them never leaves.

Rent for apartments –
Coming from a big city myself, I’ve known a lot of people who have had complaints that half their monthly salary goes in paying their apartment rents. As horrifying as it sounds, it’s true. Big cities have always faced the issue of a lack of space when compared to the population. Hence, as the demand goes up, the prices also skyrocket. Rents for apartments are exorbitant in a lot of places. The places where rent is affordable are on the outskirts of the city. Thus, that becomes an issue.

Traffic and the fast-paced life of people
Yes. Everything you’ve heard about the traffic in big cities is, unfortunately true. One significant characteristic of big cities is that people have fast lives. Everyone is in a rush and nearly everyone is getting late. Also, the population is way more than the city can accommodate. Hence, jam-packed traffic is inevitable. Roads are almost always congested and the vehicles move at the speed of turtles.The signals barely help because people drive at their own accord and way too many vehicles make it difficult to regulate the traffic. Roads are getting smaller day by day and the no. of vehicles are increasing. This invariably leads to a traffic jam.
If peace is what you’re looking for, then it might prove elusive. No, I’m not referring to ‘global peace’. I mean mental peace. Back in your town, you could probably just take a stroll by the lake or walk down that isolated road where no one comes to have some alone and undisturbed time. But after getting relocated to a big city, every place at every day of the week is packed with people. Unless you get lucky at finding your own safe haven. Eventually, even that will be discovered by a group of people and you’ll be off again hunting for a new place to get yourself some alone time and mental peace.
Social Barriers
It’s no myth that people in bigger cities are way more outgoing and open and unorthodox than their small town counterparts. While you come from a smaller town, certain restrictions regarding clothing or partying etc.will always stay. When you’re getting relocated to a bigger city, you’re trying to adjust and adapt and even out all the differences. But when a bunch of people ask you to spend the entire night roaming on the city roads, drinking and probably doing borderline illegal things, you’re taken aback because you’ve never probably done experienced in your hometown. Style of living, attitude, and behaviour towards each other, outlook towards social relationships and biased/unbiased characteristics towards the gender barricades, all these make a difference. Hence, coping with all these differences can get a little tough sometimes.
Budget Management
Let’s say you got an affordable apartment to live in after getting relocated to a big city. What next? You will need to pay electricity bills, water supply bills, keep your kitchen well equipped with all the utensils, get grocery from time to time, incur transportation expenses, housekeeping, medical services etc. The list could go on and on. The bottom line is that the Cost of living in smaller towns can be pretty cheap while one cannot say the same for big cities. The expenses often skyrocket as cost of living becomes even more cumbersome. Frankly, It can get pretty heavy on your pockets.
This is the basic idea of all the major problems one will face when getting relocated. Change is usually pretty scary and adapting to new things can often get tough, especially when the change is as big as changing towns and cities. Now since you have a fair idea about all the obstacles that you might have to face when you get relocated, you can be well prepared in advance and know of all the things that might often come in your way when living in a big city.
If you’re someone who is going to shift abroad for either your studies or your job, here’s what you need to carry: Best Things to Carry Abroad to Feel Less Homesick