I know you’ll find it hard to believe, but guess what? Studying can be fun! Most of us either get stressed or have a preconceived notion about how boring studies can be. I had the same opinion too until I came across some tools that can help me while studying. I’m sure you’re curious to know what these are. Read on!
Studying has a 3 step procedure:
- Understanding
- Memorising
- Revision/Recall
Every time you start preparing for exams, understanding concepts becomes the crux of scoring well. Once you are clear about your concepts, you’ll be able to write your exam with a clear thought process. Thus, it becomes important to explore the subject and understand it’s details. Then you have to learn it up and most importantly recall that as being able to put down the right kind of information is what increases your chances of scoring well.
Here are some interesting ways you can choose from to actually make this process more fun. Yes, trust me, it includes some interesting activities!
For better understanding:
- Watch movies, documentaries or videos!
The association of audio, visuals, and graphics combined makes it a perfect combination for you to understand concepts and help you recall. Whenever you feel a subject becomes drab, watch videos. It not only makes it interesting but always gives you an insight into a lot of facts. Documentaries and videos break down heavy pieces of information into smaller bits, making it simpler for the viewer to comprehend.
2. Keep yourself updated with Daily news!
Considering the wide range of subjects we all have to study, being well informed about the different events unfurling around the world makes it easier to sight examples. Examples play a very important role in writing an exam. The evaluator will test the understanding of your subject by the kind of examples you put forth. Thus, that white and black sheet staring at you from the table in your room is actually your best book!
3. Group studies
Group studies is a very effective way to clear doubts and discuss anything new. There are some topics which you may have a clearer idea about, whereas, there some that you don’t understand. This process helps you to learn from your friends strengths and teach them on the basis of yours. And obviously being around friends is always fun and destressing.
Dealing with the second aspect of preparing for exams, we’ll now look at different memorising techniques. (Rote learning and memorising are different)
Memorising is nothing but transferring all your knowledge/data from the short term memory to the long-term one. It’s on the basis of your long-term memory that you’ll be able to crack your examination with ease. Some techniques that can are used for memorising are as follows:
- “My very educated mother just showed us nine planets”.
Remember when you learned that, “my very educated m just showed us nine planets”. Well, that was one the best ways to remember planets by using acronyms (I’m sure you remember them till now!).
Mnemonics make it simpler to remember to different concepts by making it interesting. In the case, the brain creates associations with the letters and thereby establishes recognition. This is one of the best methods to store information in the long-term memory.
2. Bring out your artistic side!
Illustrations and drawing are not only fun but also will help you remember concepts. Everytime words make it difficult to comprehend, images help you remember better. Drawing and illustrating different concepts of a chapter, make it simpler and fun. So the next time you’re studying, don’t stick to reading and writing.
3. Lessons into stories?
Yes! Storytelling is one of the most used mediums to draw us towards lessons to remember for life. What if I told you, that you can use this medium to study as well? Make objects characters, name their characteristics as their superpowers! And whilst you’re weaving a story, you’ll see, you may remember most of it already!
Dealing with the last bit for tools for exams preparation, it’s important to revise. Revision makes it easier to remember whatever has been learned. It’s like the refresh button, helping you to keep a track of what you remember.
- Flashcards: Flashcards are a medium to revise whatever has been learned before. These cards consist of small bits of information which are relevant to the topic. You can prepare these flashcards and go through those once a day. Doing this on a daily basis will increase your recall as well give you confidence about your matter.
2. Solve test papers:
Solving test papers will give you an insight into:
-How much do you remember
-What is it that you need to work on and
-How well can you attempt your actual paper.
These tools are simple, clear and can definitely help you score better. Scoring well is a challenge, and although it’s difficult, it’s achievable! Now don’t feel daunted, instead
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go watch a movie about that lesson!