Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion

Yes, you read that right. The phrase ‘follow your passion’ that emerged in the mid-nineties might just turn out to be vague for certain...
Lady looking at the ocean, while her vacations

6 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Vacations

Finally, vacations are here and you can relax. You can be at home, sleep until late, hang out with your friends and go for...
Wall Street

Take These 3 Steps To Get Your Dream Job

While some dream to work at a certain position, some wish to simply explore the field or industry of their choice. However, a lot...
A CEO sitting in his office

5 Skills Corporates Won’t Tell You But Would Expect From You

Life in a corporate can be challenging, especially when you just graduated aka a fresher. Adjusting to the tedious work, deadlines, office culture as...
Social Anxiety

How I Conquered My Social Anxiety And You Can Too

“A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to...
Child Studying

7 Clues To Beat Those Exam Blues

Exams seem like a necessary evil to most students. They are the prime cause of nervousness and stress which naturally causes students to despise...
Person jumping with happiness

4 Ways To Start Living to The Fullest Today

“Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.” ― Dale Carnegie Planned everything your life ought to be but haven’t started working...
Girl getting bored

Are you bored? It is for the best

I remember as a child I was not allowed to say that I am bored. My mother never understood what the word “bored” meant....
A man holding on to two die, signifying opportunity

10 Misconceptions About Opportunity

Following are the general misconceptions which people have, about opportunity: 1) There’ll be more: Instead, each opportunity is unique; so if you let go of one...
Man Adjusting Tie

How I Bagged 3 Jobs Without Ever Showing My CV

It is now a fact that fewer employers are paying attention to your CV. Honestly, I would judge someone real hard if I am...