Got your country result? Want to know more about what to consider when choosing the right country for yourself? These are the top 5:
1. Work Prospects and Visa Regulations
Ultimately we are all going abroad to study so as to build a great career for ourselves. Thus, the first thing one must find out is whether that country allows for it. If you intend to work abroad after studying look up the various visas and their regulations, the probability of getting the visa and the kind and number of job opportunities available, etc.
If you plan on coming back, then you must evaluate the value and relevance of that country’s education back here in India.
2. Costs
The next point that ties up well with the previous one is the how much will it really cost you to study there. These two points together determine the ROI (return on investment) of the money you spend to learn.
For this, you need to keep in mind the tuition costs at the universities, the cost of living, travel, accommodation, probability and kind of scholarships offered, etc.
You can use this tool to compare the costs of living with your city.

3. Quality of Education
Let’s face it, some countries definitely have better univerisities than the other. Heck, that’s the reason you’re even considering the idea of going abroad. And in that, if you look at the top 100 universities across the world, you will see which countries are ranking best for the kind of course you are looking do. USA and UK generally stand out here.
4. Course Area and It’s Requirements
While in general certain countries may do better, for specific kinds of courses certain other countries may be better or have specialist schools. We know that UK law is more relevant to India than US law. Australia has some excellent sports focussed universities, and so on. So for your niche find out what stands out.
And don’t forget to keep in mind course requirements. Whether that may include giving your GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc or the fact that you need 12+4 years of education.
5. Community and Ease of Living
Ask yourself where will it be easier to adapt? Which country has a stronger Indian community, better availability of food, friendlier people and so on. Also, if you have family in a particular place, that is an obvious plus. These factors are less focussed on but important cause while you are definitely going there to study, the environment and people around you make a big difference in helping you perform to your best level.
People also consider things like weather, safety, language barriers, etc when deciding the right place.
Is all this sounding too complicated?
Are you tired of weighing one country over the other?
Why don’t you just take our quick quiz and let us do all the hardwork. It’s the easiest and fastest way to get direction on which country fits best for you.
What’s better? Once you do the quiz, we are offering the first 50 people free counselling as well, to get further highly personalised guidance! Yasss!
So what are you waiting for? Take it now!
And get excited to take-off!