As a fresh graduate, you might have often wondered what it is like to work at a tech giant like HCL. Is it drab and monotonous or does it encourage a work culture which is more fun and relaxed? You’ll be surprised to know that 70% of the employees at HCL are under 30! Yes, you read that right. It is therefore no wonder that HCL is an exciting place to be in the here and now.
Read on to know a few HCL Technologies Employee Benefits!
Free Cabs for Women Employees
While your college didn’t provide free transportation for women, wouldn’t your weekly allowance breathe a sigh of relief if that actually did happen? HCL makes this distant dream a reality by providing free transportation for all its female employees! What better way to encourage working women, we say!
To-Die-For Cafeteria
Doesn’t good food put you in a great mood and in turn make you more productive? HCL thinks so too. This is why they have a cafeteria to die for. From South Indian to Italian, you’ll get everything you crave at economical rates! Eat delicious delicacies while you work – the good life beckons you.
Just as your college stressed on paying attention to your physical health and encouraged the same through sports, HCL too understands the importance of being physically fit. It is for this reason that this tech giant has a state-of-the-art gym for its employees. Now you can work and work out all under one roof!

Flexible Hours
Unlike school life, college offered more flexibility as you could bunk lectures since most colleges required a minimum of 75% attendance. HCL imitates college life in this aspect too. This tech giant gives more importance to completion of work as opposed to the number of hours you spend at the office. Flexible work hours are HCL’s way of encouraging its employees to strike a healthy work-life balance.

Team Outings
Remember when you participated in a college festival and your entire team would go out for lunches to bond better? HCL takes that thought forward by encouraging team lunches at the expense of the company every once in a while. What a cool way to get to know your colleagues, right?

Temple for Learning
The day you stop learning is the day you stop living. Whether or not your college taught you something new every day, the management at HCL takes it upon themselves to teach fresh recruits more about life and technology while they work there. If you’re looking for an enriching experience, HCL is the place to be!

Open-door Policy
Remember walking up to your professors in college and asking them anything that was on your mind? HCL too promotes a culture where everyone can talk to everyone, regardless of where they are positioned on the company hierarchy. Whether you want to clear a professional doubt or share troubling details of your personal life, managers at HCL will always find the time to talk to you!
We don’t know about you, but we are definitely intrigued and excited by the possibilities this tech company presents! Have something to add to this list? We’d love to know in the comments below!
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