16 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Instantly
We’re all victims of occasional bouts of self-doubt. Even the most successful and confident among us have their moments of insecurity. Self-confidence can be...
10 Things School Didn’t Teach But You Need To Know
Today’s education system is seriously flawed. It focuses on teaching rather than learning. However, most of what we learn before, during, and after attending schools...
11 Tips To Be A Brilliant Conversationalist
A research says that an average human speaks about 86,03,41,500 words in a lifetime. 86 Crore words? That’s a whole lot of talking! But...
Top 7 Reads You Need To Catch Up On This Summer
Can't figure out what to read on your vacation this summer? Look no further! Here are some of our recommendations for your book list.
6 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Vacations
Finally, vacations are here and you can relax. You can be at home, sleep until late, hang out with your friends and go for...
How I Conquered My Social Anxiety And You Can Too
“A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to...
4 Ways To Start Living to The Fullest Today
“Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.”
― Dale Carnegie
Planned everything your life ought to be but haven’t started working...
Are you bored? It is for the best
I remember as a child I was not allowed to say that I am bored. My mother never understood what the word “bored” meant....
Scores Or The Curiosity to Learn: What To Build Upon?
am sure you have found your response to this question by now.
What is it?
Are scores important to you or the curiosity to learn?
5 Ways to Stand Out Amongst your Peers
“I am just another face in the crowd” or “I am just like everyone else”. This thought might have occurred to you at least...