Can’t figure out what to read on your vacation this summer? Look no further! Here are some of our recommendations for your book list.

If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  1. Inheritance of Loss By Kiran Desai
Genre: Fiction

Goodreads review: 3.4/5

The novel is Kiran Desai’s second novel. It is full of stylistic playfulness, touches of comedy, the subtlety of logic and nature description. On one hand, it stretches from Northern India to New York City to England, yet on the other, it focuses so closely on the lives of its primary characters. Focusing on the very poor and the middle class, this beautifully written and haunting novel lets its readers know how, even in the midst of change, there are people who long for the “old ways.” Those who desire not change, but stability and security. People who want to wake up in the morning and know that things are still the same.

Buy it here: Inheritance of Loss

  1. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Genre: Non-fiction

Goodreads review: 3.1/5

This book opens the door to the history of Germany.The book is a window into the life in Germany at the time of World War 1 and post that. It gives a perspective from the other side. The book is a document that shows how a dictator can think and pushes you to believe that it is not entirely wrong what Hitler thought. The social structure in Germany and the segments of the society are clearly shown through the eyes of Hitler. The book was up to the expectation and has provided great insight, making it a must read.

Buy it here: Mein Kampf

  1. Personality Plus by Florence Littauer
Genre: Self-Help

Goodreads review: 4.18/5

Self-help books are synonymous to boring, aren’t they? I assure you, this one is nowhere near that. It is absolutely easy and fun to read. Being one of my all-time favourites, this book gives you valuable insight for appreciating that you’re one-of-a-kind, a God-given personality. A Personality Profile test is also included, that reveals how your unique blend of traits affects your emotions, work performance, and relationships. Through humorous anecdotes and straightforward counsel, Personality Plus guides you to improve upon your strengths and correct your weaknesses.

But it here: Personality Plus

  1. Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon
Genre: Thriller

Goodreads review: 4.1/5

One of the most cherished novels from Sidney Sheldon, Master Of The Game is an absolute classic showcasing generations of a family and the pivot that holds the legacy together. Once you start reading this book, you won’t be able to put it down till it ends. Lasting nearly 4 generations, which starts in Africa and ends in America, is this book of prejudice and the limits a human can cross to reach the goal!

Buy it here: Master of the Game

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert
Genre: Science – fiction

Goodreads review: 4.2/5

Dune by Frank Herbert is often hailed as the best science fiction novel of all time and with good cause. While the world we discover in Dune is expanded upon in further instalments to the series, it is the first book that captures the imagination and ruthless demands to be finished. From breathtaking scenery to insidious assassinations and plots for galactic domination, Dune has it all, and more. There is a movie-adaption to this book, but my recommendation would definitely be the book.

Buy it here: Dune

  1. You can Win by Shiv Khera
Genre: Self-Help

Goodreads review: 3.8/5

In the first phase, this book describes the tools you will need for success and offers blueprints to help you build a successful and rewarding life. In the second phase, it lists the ingredients and the principles you will need to follow in order to become successful and give you the recipe for mixing them in correct proportion. What strikes one is Khera’s writing style. He goes on to illustrate every bit with an interesting and engrossing story, followed by a moral. These morals make the reader believe nothing is impossible. So, it’s all about getting together the right recipe for success through the web of life.

Buy it here: You Can Win

  1. Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
Genre: Essay

Goodreads review: 4/5

A humorist par excellence, he can make Woody Allen appear ham-tongued, Oscar Wilde a drag. – The Guardian

Sedaris has to be one the best storytellers of the distorted family dynamic one could be lucky enough to encounter. The book consists of 27 essays all of which are hilariously funny. What makes this book interesting is how he examines the ridiculousness of those around him, but he does it with affectionate curiosity and not a jot of shame about his own mischievous weirdness.

Buy it here: Me Talk Pretty One Day


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