A report published in 2013 cited that only about 7% of users that sign up for an online course actually complete it. Indicating a very high dropout rates or unfinished courses.
Especially, given a plethora of online courses, one tends to get distracted.
I remember signing up for five courses in one go during the second year of college, thinking I’ll be able to conquer the world and ended up barely even coping with one course by the end of the semester.
These are additional courses beyond college curriculum; beyond all that you usually do during the day. Implying, signing up for these courses is one thing, especially when it doesn’t cost you, but making a commitment to finish it up is another mental task, which we tend to undermine.
Any course you take up should be a thoughtful effort as to why you want to do and if you find it interesting. Given this, adding a course to your routine can be a challenge since you aren’t habitual to studying on a weekend or during spare time. So, this is how you can help keep yourself motivated during an online course:
1) Choose a subject you sincerely like:
College curriculum, assignments and exams are burden enough, so it is okay to question why you should dedicate another three to four hours a week towards an additional course and its assignments.
{It is a different thing if you are doubting whether you should pursue a course or not. In that case, read this article.}
Here, your interest will be the greatest motivator. College curriculum is usually broad in nature, divided across multiple subjects. Find out which one intrigues you the most and choose that as your subject to study in depth, through an online course.
Maybe you don’t like what you are studying in college and wish to study geography instead of physics. Go explore! Take up an online course on geography. Your sincere attempt to learn something will keep bringing you online to learn more.
2) Challenge yourself:
In case your are the type of person who loves a challenge, then set yourself up to the task of committing to a course. Stay motivated, complete it and treat yourself with a reward. There is no better joy, than the feeling of achievement you get on accomplishing your challenges.
3) Set a goal:
If not concrete, have a rough idea of what it is you want to do after college and then make a list of things it will take to get there. Then add, what skills you would require achieving those tasks? Maybe a course would help in learning the skills? There, you have a goal and that is why you will and you have to stick to the course!
4) Make a friend do it with you:
Peer pressure is very effective; that is why a group of enthusiasts can be found easily- bikers, runners, study groups and so many more! This way you are able to motivate each other, discuss concepts and solve problems together. Great way to ensure that not only one, but both of you complete a course.

5) Pay for it:
The moment you put money into it, there is rarely any getting back from there. In the case that your parents are funding that course fee, they will try to make sure that you sincerely complete it.
Free courses maybe are a boon, but it defeats the purpose when the student is a procrastinator.
When I had signed up for five courses, the day I discovered an online website for free courses, I barely completed one. It changed when I paid for it- I started to prioritize the online classes and made sure I submitted my weekly assignments on time.