The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences study highlights the plight of mental health in India. At least 13.7% of the population is undergoing various mental disorders. 10.6% of the population needs medical attention at the earliest. In the madness of immense competition, stress disturbs the mental state of mind. Unfortunately, mental disorders are still not addressed in our country. Because we people believe that, it’s all in “our head” and that only “mad” people go for counseling. It’s normal to seek help for mental disorders. So the next time no one believes you, don’t feel alone, this article is for you.
The concept of online counseling has become popular. It’s anonymous, convenient and a savior from all the drama surrounding mental health. The founders of the online counseling start-ups have been working in this field for years. They continue to reach out to as many people as possible. If you feel like you’re, depressed and need someone to talk to someone who won’t judge, approach their organisations right away!
The founder of ePsyclinic narrates a story about what inspired her to begin her start-up. Shipra Dawar went to Australia to pursue her MBA studies. Since it her first time away from home, she felt low. On observing her behaviour patterns, her professor suggested her to visit a counselor. Coming from India where visiting a counselor was a stigma, she didn’t want to listen to the advice of her professor. But, her professor convinced her and she did go to the counselor. After two to three sessions she felt like she was coming back to being herself. To break the stigma about mental health, she started her own startup named ePsyclinic.
ePsyclinic is one of the first online counseling platforms introduced in the country. You can always contact their expert counselors. You can also read their blogs which will help you identify your problem areas. I’m sure Shipra Dawar’s story has inspired you to address your mental health issue. You can begin your journey of change from here.
2. Your DOST
The website stands true to its name. Your DOST will help you deal with your mental problems with ease. You can visit their website anytime and chat with a counselor. The website is very prompt with its visitors. You can seek help for a specific problem and speak to an expert from that field. They have various self-tests to help you identify problem areas. There are programs also designed to help you move towards a better tomorrow. Their blog highlights stories which focus on positive changes in people’s lives. This is where you can find them.
This is another website which encourages people to share their problems. The website has an open forum for discussions where you can write about your problems. You can also book an online appointment to speak to their experts about your problems. Their blog has articles addressing myriad issues. It will definitely help you figure out a solution to your problem. Here are more details about them.
“I would not have been able to come out of this if I didn’t have my mum, my friends, my father who spoke to me and said it’s ok to go to a doctor, it’s ok to go to a psychologist, it’s ok to take medication” – Deepika Padukone, on her battle with depression in an interview with NDTV.
4. My Fit Brain
My Fit Brain addresses various FAQ’S related to online counseling. You can speak to an expert in your preferred language of communication. There are certain timings and days that you’ll have to keep in mind. You can always find more information about them here.
5. Mind Frames
Mind Frames offers different mediums of counseling. You could choose from different options like:
– online consultation
– email consultation
– book an appointment to visit them offline (For people residing in Mumbai).
They also offer group therapy and dream analysis to help you deal with your conflicts better. In case you feel the need to address your issue, here’s how you can connect to them.
Qualified psychologists and psychiatrists run these websites. It’s time to feel less hesitant and take care of your mental health. These online forums are a platform for you to overcome your fears. Approach these institutions and I promise, you’ll start looking forward to what life has to offer!
Don’t think you need counselling yet? Here are ways to beat stress.